Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Council 11187,
Pickerington, Ohio  USA


Council 11187 Officers for 2003/2004

August 2, 2003

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Grand Knight Neil Ferguson Deputy Grand Knight Mike Croyle Chancellor Greg Lowe
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Financial Secretary  Joe Drignat Warden Joe Coffey Treasurer John Siebert
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Recorder Larry Lotz Advocate Lloyd Stauffer Trustees - Bud Joos PGK, Joe Rossi PGK 
and Dick Petersen
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Outside Guard R. Wayne Patterson 2003 Officers

District Deputy Mark Borys,
GK Neil Ferguson and 
DGK Mike Croyle

Absent Inside Guard Gene Ebert


Last Modified:
Sunday, April 13, 2008 10:14:54 AM

Copyright © 2000-2004 KofC11187